From Bean to Bag 



Starting with sustainable natural processes.  Each lot is particularly managed by six skilled technicians.  They constantly monitor soil conditions, irrigation, and composition to ensure the ideal growing environment.

There is no better pesticide than nature. The use of naturally bacterial and fungi resistant crops surrounding the coffee habitations ensure that no harm comes to the shade grown plants. 


Second we use a natural wet and dry process to separate the coffee cherry pulp from the beans.

Our fermentation process is age old and ensures just the right amount of natural plant sugars before removal of the fruit flesh.  We age the beans precisely to ensure the consistent flavor profile desired.

Our technicians spend days drying and aging on our patios until they determined we are ready for market.


Last we use workers from our local micro economy to process, sample, and bag the coffee by weight.  This allows us to provide sustainable work for our friends and neighbors on the mountain, who have supported us for generations. A single kg yield of coffee employs an average of 12 people at various stages.  All of which are committed to producing the highest quality possible.